I have conducted a professional engagement plan and skills audit assessing my current knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the VCD study design and curriculum. Churchill (2022, p. 245) outlines the importance of pedagogy as a tool to promote students’ development of knowledge, skills, attitudes and dispositions, particularly through a teacher’s knowledge of curricular, content, learners, educational contexts and general pedagogical knowledge through the concept of “pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)”. As a pre-service teacher, my emerging pedagogical approach involves the inclusion of PCK as a tool to promote my teaching and scaffold the learning of my students and promote their acquisition of knowledge and skills relevant to the VCD study area. This professional engagement plan and skills audit will consider theoretical practices along with aim to work towards meeting multiple AITSL (2024) standards of both knowing the content and how to teach it (standard 2) and engaging in professional learning (standard 6). This professional engagement plan will aim to target multiple key knowledge and skill areas such as knowledge of artists and designers in contemporary, historical and diverse cultural contexts, the application of methods, media, materials, processes and techniques, understanding of the VCD design process, knowledge of the VCE rules and procedures along with VCE assessment processes and exam preparation. This plan displays resources and information to promote the ongoing learning through attending galleries, workshops, engaging with VCD teaching communities and organisations along with resources and information to assist in my development of technical skills and knowledge. I wish to promote life-long learning among my students through engaging in ongoing professional learning and development to scaffold both teaching and learning. 

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